Sunday, March 1, 2015

Temboni and the Little Church that Could!

Last Sunday, our family got up a little earlier, loaded up the van and headed to a place we had not visited before(well, we had passed by)...we were given directions in Swahili and James felt as though he was somewhat familiar with the location. There are very few street signs, and most paved roads do not offer street signs for the adjoining dirt roads. 
We live in a land of dirt roads and grass trails... So, off on our adventure to find the church I would be speaking at that morning.   We were told to pass 4 bus stops, turn left and then wait for him; him being the translator. Needless to say, the journey was not without intrigue. We waited on the side of the road for about 30 mins. When we could not get in touch with the pastor or the translator, James decided to keep driving forward, good thing! We were past the 4 bus stops, but in the wrong town! We finally met up with our guide and off to church we went. They were in full swing! We were greeted with shouts of joy and hugs. Two lovely sisters came out to take our Bibles and bags and escort us inside.  Sunday school, Singing, dancing, more singing, and more dancing and singing... did I mention more dancing and singing. :) then it was time to preach.
This little fellow danced and danced!

We walked down a short trail to reach the church

"We've Found Water" Jacobs Wells...selah

The kids shared their coloring books, markers and crayons

Receiving a blessing!

Suffer the little children

Prophesying  over the pastors

James with the President of SINAI Missions and Pastor of the Church

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